Sunday, October 26, 2014

Upcoming Changes

Because of continuing difficulties and functionality issues with Blogspot Blogger, Omega Ministries is discontinuing this site. We are switching over to Wordpress effective immediately.

The new Wordpress site is still under construction but we will make improvements as we go along. Please note our new website:

We apologize for any inconvenience that this change causes.

Thank you,

Pat & Misty Hodges

Omega Ministries

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Upcoming Omega Ministries' Encounter Life Group

Pat & Misty will be hosting their newly formed Encounter Life Group this Saturday evening (8/31/2013) starting at 7:30 pm in Denton, Texas. Looking forward to seeing you there. For details to attend, you can email us at

Sunday, July 28, 2013

New Video Released

We have just released a new video entitled, "Taking The Limits Off God", check it out in our video bar.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Step Into The Miraculous Today - Pat and Misty Become Life Coaches

By Pat Hodges

Misty and I are so excited to announce that we have become licensed life coaches through Lifetime Courses International.
The Lord worked it out in an amazing way, for 6 months He has been speaking to me about becoming a life coach, I have to admit, I didn't even know what a life coach was!

After some investigating, I figured out what life coaching was about, and looked at numerous schools that one could attend to become a life coach and their exorbitant prices. The tuitions were astronomical, even into the tens of thousands of dollars! I said, "Lord if you really want me to do this, then you've got to make a way where there seems to be no way". Several months went by and out of the blue, around the time of my birthday, I got a phone call from a friend of ours and she told me that I was getting a life coaching course for my birthday, but not only for me, but for Misty too! I was blown away! She had no idea that the Lord had even been speaking to me about becoming a life coach!

The course that we took is through Lifetime Courses International with Kay Miller, the founder and president. She has an amazing testimony and has discovered the 7 keys to access and utilize the miraculous power of God on purpose (rather than accidental) on an ongoing, consistent basis. If you are interested in having us present the material and would like to have the opportunity to learn about these 7 keys for yourself, or if you want to take it a step further and become a like coach yourself, you can email us at, we'll be happy to present it to you.

An introductory video can be found at this link: Life Time Courses Int'l Introductory Video

We are currently looking to build a team of motivated life coaches to infiltrate the market place. If you would like to become a team member with us please don't hesitate to contact us.
Plans are also in the works to set up a formal introductory meeting in the Dallas/Ft Worth area at a future date. If you would like to attend, please contact us via email. Do you live outside of the DFW area, in another state or even in another country? No problem! We can still accommodate you! Just shoot us an email.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Omega Ministries To Start A New Ministry Group In Denton Texas

On Saturday July 13th Omega Ministries will be hosting their first ministry group meeting in The Denton TX area. The meetings will be on an ongoing basis on Saturdays starting at 8 pm (the meetings will dismiss at a decent hour). Some of the subjects that are on the table to be covered will include:

  • Identifying true prophetic ministries
  • Identifying true apostolic apostolic ministries
  • How to identify your ministry related calling
  • Identifying ministry anointings
  • Prophetic training
  • Effective ministry in the marketplace
  • Developing and maintaining healthy relationships
  • Getting free of your past
  • Breaking glass ceilings
  • How to enter into the flow of blessing
  • Personal goal setting and accomplishing goals
  • How to turn your personal finances around
  • How to enter into the flow of the miraculous
For those of you in the DFW/Denton area who are interested in attending, you can contact us on our Facebook page (Omega Ministries) or by emailing us at

Friday, May 17, 2013

Help! Where Do I find The Time To Write?

By Pat Hodges

Is writing your passion yet you can't find the time to write because of a busy schedule? I know it's been that way for me! I'm far from perfecting my time management, but I am getting a better handle on it. I came across this article by the author of the book, "Iona Portal" that sheds some light on this subject and may help some of you who have struggled in this very area as I have. Click on the following link to get some helpful tips on this subject: