Dear Friends:
We wanted to take this opportunity to communicate with you what has transpired with us and where we're at now in regards to us personally and the ministry.After returning back to the States from Canada, we felt like the Lord was directing us to take a sabbatical from the ministry for a period of time as He was taking us through a shift in our vision and focus. Having completed that sabbatical, we are in the process of gearing up to re-enter the ministry, and are actively looking for ministry opportunities.
The Lord is giving us direction in the area of ministry both in the States and internationally. We would ask that you would please be praying that ministry doors open for us. Just a few days ago, we started a brand new blog page. We did this to reach a much larger audience than can be reached through social networking sites or through e-mail. The blog will not be restricted to merely subjects of ministry, but will be utilized to address both social issues and issues concerning the direction of this nation and where it’s headed from a biblical point of view.
Be assured, we’re praying for all of you as we know that many of you are going through a transitional period. The Lord gave me a vision last night as I was ministering to a friend of ours. In the vision I saw a chrysalis with a developing butterfly in it. As I watched the Lord spoke to me and said, “This is where many in My body are right now. They’re feeling the tight confines both in the spiritual and in the natural realms. They’re seeing and feeling the inflexible confines of established religious institutions and their limitations, as well as the restrictions and confines that the enemy is trying place on them through their circumstances”.
The chrysalis eventually splits, not because of outside intervention, but because of what’s going on inside the chrysalis. Many of you are experiencing a tighter and tighter “squeeze” and you’ve been wondering why? You’re going through a metamorphosis. You’re being transformed into His image, which the forces in this world cannot contain. You’re coming out of your old mindsets, your old habits, and old religious traditions. A new thing is being done in you, by the inward workings of the Holy Spirit. Isa 10:27b says, “. . . and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing”. In the Hebrew it actually implies that because of the fatness of the neck the yoke is destroyed. The day is soon coming when the chrysalis will split for you and you will emerge and take flight into a whole new level as the person whom you’re called to be, equipped to enter into your calling and destiny.
Pat Hodges
Omega Ministries
Find us on Facebook @ “Omega Ministries”