About Us
Pat has been in the prophetic ministry since he was seventeen years old. Raised up under the prophetic ministry of internationally known Prophet Bob Jones and personally mentored by Bob for 8 years, Pat is a published author, conference speaker, is a monthly writer for The Christian Pulse and has traveled and ministered in over 16 countries including Mexico, Central America, South America, Africa, Asia, India and in Europe, since 1981.
Misty has been in the prophetic ministry most of her life. She is a published author, a very dynamic conference speaker and carries a very accurate prophetic word. Misty serves in the ministry gifts of prophet and teacher, with a strong evangelistic anointing. The Lord has used Misty to speak into the lives of many, bringing deliverance and has used her in numerous documented healings of incurable diseases.
Pat and his wife, Misty, travel ministering to and training ministers and the body of Christ at large through their prophetic/apostolic ministry.